
Setup Wizard

You are about to install Mango Blog.
You will need to have a database (MS SQL or MySQL) already created (it can be an empty database).

Step 1

Do you already have a datasource set up for you?

Datasource information

Fill this if you already have a datasource set up in the ColdFusion administrator (or your hosting provider creates them for you):

The name of the datasource as entered in the ColdFusion administrator

Database type

Fill this if your database is not empty or you have another Mango installation in the same database

If your hosting provider requires you to supply username and password every time you need to access your database, fill out these fields:

Username to access your database

Your database password

New datasource

Database type

Your database host address (i.e.: localhost, an ip address or url)

The name of your database

Username to access your database

Your database password

Fill this if your database is not empty or you have another Mango installation in the same database